
car charging

turbo charge your pods


what device would you like to add?


select your AirPods

which model do I have?

Go to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone. Alternatively, you can go to Settings > [your AirPods].* Find your AirPods in the list (for example, "John's AirPods"). Tap the More Info button next to your AirPods, and you'll see the model number.


select your AirPods

which model do I have?

Go to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone. Alternatively, you can go to Settings > [your AirPods].* Find your AirPods in the list (for example, "John's AirPods"). Tap the More Info button next to your AirPods, and you'll see the model number.


select your AirPods

which model do I have?

Go to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone. Alternatively, you can go to Settings > [your AirPods].* Find your AirPods in the list (for example, "John's AirPods"). Tap the More Info button next to your AirPods, and you'll see the model number.


your device has been sucessfully added

You are now able to:

  • See all accessories that fit your device(s)
  • Easily edit your saved device(s) on the my device(s) page
  • Get personalised recommendations that fit your devices(s)

The website will remember your device(s) in a cookie for your next visit.

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